Xhamia Ebu Beker

Xhamia Ebu Beker, also known as the Ebu Beker Mosque, is a historic and culturally significant mosque located in the city of Shkodër, Albania. This mosque is named after Ebu Beker, one of the early Muslim leaders and companions of the Prophet Muhammad. Here's a brief description of Xhamia Ebu Beker:

Built during the 18th century under the Ottoman Empire's rule, Xhamia Ebu Beker is a testament to the enduring architectural and cultural influence of the Ottomans in Albania. The mosque features a classic Ottoman architectural style, with a central dome and a graceful minaret that stands tall as a symbol of Islamic heritage. The exterior is adorned with decorative elements, including geometric patterns and calligraphy, showcasing the artistic craftsmanship of the period.

Xhamia Ebu Beker holds both historical and spiritual significance, serving as a place of worship for the local Muslim community. Its interior offers a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere for prayer and reflection. Visitors to the mosque have the opportunity to not only appreciate its architectural beauty but also gain insight into the cultural and religious heritage of the region. Located in the heart of Shkodër, the mosque is easily accessible to tourists interested in history, architecture, and the spiritual aspects of Albanian culture, making it an essential stop for those exploring the city's historical treasures.


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All the countries on our Balkan Tours, except Slovenia, use Albanian Lek. We recommend you exchange small amounts of money as you go in the cities since the exchange rates are much more favorable than at the airports. Our rep will be happy to assist you throughout the tour.

Ofcourse, we cater for adults and children but children must be accompanied by adults at all times

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